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Prenatal Resources:
- womensrights for pregnancy and delivery (pdf available in english)
- prenatalclasses Birds and Bees excellent prenatal classes
- yogaspace Best yoga classes in Montreal
Breastfeeding specific help:
- goldfarbclinic (JGH handouts on breastfeeding specific issues)
- kellymom.com (use the search engine to type in your breastfeeding question)
- ibconline.ca (great videoclips and information sheets)
- llli.org (La Leche League International)
- who.int/toolkits/child-growth-standards(growth charts from the WHO)
- stanforduniversity Multiple resources on breastfeeding
- reverse pressure technique for engorgement Engorgement
- biologicalnurturing.com Biological Nurturing video by Dr Suzanne Colson
Post-partum depression resources:
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