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Nipple Shield Fitting and Measuring

Nipple shield fitting and measuring

Breastfeeding with a nipple shield can be a challenging task especially if you do not have the right sized nipple shield. Please call us to discuss your current situation and if you could benefit from a fitting session with a variety brands and or different size nipple shields. The nipple shield size is based on a variety of markers; diameter and length of the nipple. We have in store Medela, Ameda and Mamivac nipple shields which cover a range of sizes and shapes conical to cherry 16mm to 28mm.

If you wish to try our samples (cleaned and washed) please call or text us 514-482-5248. This service con only be combined with our flange fitting service.  Please budget 10 minutes in order to adequately fit a variety of nipple shields. This service is available Monday to Friday by appointment 514-482-5248.